Classroom Decor
Decorate and design a classroom as you like most. You will have several objects to choose from. Use the mouse to play, make click in the options from above.
Find two identical candies hidden behind the cards. Click over the cards and if you click the correct one you can take the candies.
Shopping memory
Steven universe game ruckus room
Help Wilma to buy what she need. Make click in the fruits from the shelves to add them to the shopping cart.
Los picapiedra Pebbles and Bam Bam
New version of the classic saga of "Find the Stars" where your objetive is very simple: Find the hidden stars of this Winnie the Pooh theme. Use your mouse.
Find The Stars Winnie
Move Skye of the canine patrol with the mouse, collecting the models of bones that are shown in the right bottom of the screen. Avoid the bones that are not shone in the screen...
Skye de la Patrulla Canina
Oh Tooth Problems
Find the hidden numbers in the tender images of the 101 dalmatians. Make click in the numbers to deduct them from the inventory.
101 dalmatas encuentra los numeros
Frisbee Forever 2
You must be very fast to connect these similar images before the bottom of the screen comes up and reach you, losing the game!!! Put the mouse on the image that you want to connect, and hold the left button by dragging the cursor to other similar image...
Jake y los piratas Connect
Baby House Cleaner
Color Me Pets 2
Webby likes to disguise himself. He has red hair. Find him and click over him. Click the characters that take an apple on their heads to win extra lives.
Finding Webby