Train yourself with several ninjas, proove your capacity of reaction to defend and atack
Fight against the mummies and other beasts, and live through this fantastic adventure. Use arrow keys to move and mouse to attack your enemies. Beat each level and earn points to buy improvements.
Egypt Warriors
Yoyo Hero 3D
Pixel Smash Duel
Crazy Zombie 1. 0
With Infinities of combos and special atacks, choose you chick and put yourself to restle
Warrior Chicks
Play Final Fantasy as the main character Cecil. You will have to reach the castle where the princess is hidden and fight against evil beings that live within. Move with the arrow keys. Make click in the inferior menu to attack and use magic and the objects from your inventory.
Final fantasy turn based
This is another game, in which you can spend hours playing, for example, fighting with Mario, Goku, Frieza, Hulk, Orochi, etc... Player 1 moves with the letters W, A, S and D, and hits combining U, I, O, J, K and L. The second player moves with the arrow keys and hits combining the numbers from 1 to 6.
Crazy Zombie V7.0 Super Heroes 2
Teen titans go jump jousts
Attack the guards by the back and kill them all. Move it silently with the arrow keys and press the space bar to use your knife.
Altair Assassins Creed
Shadow Fights
Fight against furious gnomes. Move with the arrow keys. Press S to attack with your sword. In order to jump big obstacle press twice the right arrow key and then the space bar. Press E to grab guns from the D ground and throw them to your enemies.
Larry gnomergeddon