Show your skills and your reflexes to avoid all artefacts, bullets and missiles of this infernal lab. Use the arrows to move around the screen.
Survival Lab
You are given objectives and places to reach. You must reach them. Use the mouse to pick up the scalpel.
Use the mouse to walk over totems before the time's over. The next level will be harder.
Make the explosives blow up and free Santa, he's been trapped inside an ice bubble. Move the mouse and click to play. Have fun!
Icy Gifts 2
Zombie crowd
Intenta superar los 40 niveles de este juego. Haz click en Draw y usa el ratón para dibujar un camino hasta la bandera de destino. Muevete con A,S,D,W. Si haces click en Erase puedes usar el ratón para eliminar obstáculos.
Draw Play 3
I assure you'll love this game where you have to help a little bird to fly at full speed and collect the fruits in the air. Don't stop to fly or you will fall down. Use arrow keys to move and stand in the air.
Birdy Fruit
Gather all the stars and guide the wolf to the end of every level. Watch out, don't get stung. Use the arrow keys.
Helio Adventures
Your objective is to make Flubber reaches the higher as you can. Make click on him to maintain him on the air. Catch the purple bubbles to keep feeding Flubber.
Flubber Rise
Lets Go Fishing
Sharpen your senses to avoid the shots and explode the yellow platforms. Go close to them to shoot red projectiles. Use arrow keys.
Dodge 2
Beach bar