It's your first day in charge of an ice cream shop and you have to do whatever you need to succeed. Get your clients happy and earn lots of money. Don't make them wait too much or they'll go angry. Use your mouse.
Ice Cream Frenzy
Plan your strategy to get rid of the enemy, using your troops to defend your kingdom. Use your mouse.
This is a strategy game where you get to guide your troops to the enemy base. Take over them and don't let them invade your lands. Drag your mouse to the blue base to start.
Little Wars
Build the defenses on your space station to destroy the enemy ships. Use your mouse to put your cannons strategically and build combat ships.
Obliterate Everything
Knight shot
You must find the correct order in order that all panels reach the maximum level. Use the mouse.
Grow island
Use your skill to help the Plants vs Zombies's attack to feed. Move the monsters and use the portals to teletransport. Use your mouse to play.
Plants Attack
Great war game where you have to use a really good strategy to move your troops to conquer the world. Use your mouse.
Battle Gear vs Myth Wars
Accumulate the bigger number of possible points placing the tablets of colors in its corresponding place
Fusion Lite
Place strategically the defence elements distributed intelligently across the stage, avoiding that the enemies end up reaching the opposite end of the stage... Buy improvements, play and make selections with your mouse.
A tower defense game where you have to protect yourself all the way to your base so that the Swooz don't ivade it. Use your mouse to play.
Dwooz Defense
Typing Aliens