My cute little sister
Enter in the dream of Baby Hazel and help her to be very happy while she dreams of being a fairy in the air. Collect crowns from heaven and have fun.
Baby Hazel Fairyland Ballet
Dress this peculiar queen, choosing the footwear, accessories and clothes according to your preference... Make selections with the mouse.
Pretty Raven Queen
Hottie James Bond has a new mission: to kiss the girl without anyone seeing. Click on their lips to begin or finish the kiss and get the kiss-o-meter full.
007 James Bond Kissing
Prepare a romantic dinner and surprise this special person. Pick the candles, the food and the drinks. USe the mouse to play.
Romantic Dinner
Spend a whole day in your beauty and use the last treatments. Wash and dye your hair, and don't forget the last touch in makeup and outfit. Use your mouse.
My Colorful Hair Day
These two kids are playing at the garden, and suddenly a bird gives them a fish. Help them get a bigger house for it and don't keep them waiting for the items. Use your mouse.
Baby Hazel Goldfish
Tree shape jewelry
Dress this sexy basketball cheerleader. You can choose among several hairstyles, tops, skirts, socks and more.
Noelia cheerleader
Pastel crush girls
Black And White Insta Divas
My Princess Selfie