Calico was badhurt in his last adventure. Now he wakes up in an hospital bed with fecal incontinence. Now he must face to a supervillain that is identical than him!! But now what will happen?
The end of Calico 2
Ask for your presents to the three wise man and not to Santa Claus.
Santa Claus
A great Stick animation with realistic sounds. Don't miss this bloody battle full of violence!
Counter Strike State
A musical animation that is worth a high volume. Even though the song is not the best you can spend a great time watching the crazyness of a manwhore.
Quest Of The Manwhore
Use the mouse to focus with your giant lupa on everything that you want of this city and the left button to burn with the Sun.
Ant City
This game is disgusting. All you have to do is to feed this girl with different kind of things to make her puke.
Stressed Eric
Espectacular flash animation about Neo versus the agent Smith. Excellent background music, don't miss it.
Matrix Neo vs Smith
Draw Car Road
This pothead is not a fool and even doesnt seems at the beggining looks Poor and inoffensive he is going to leave you bare
Give me joint
Horror animation about b-movies. A couple takes shelter in a haunted house.
Likeable Christmas animation where Santa Claus plays the piano. Click on the reindeers to make them help Santa sing.
Canta con Santa 2
A great animation where you can choose several dances that George Bush will perform.
Bush Dancer