Even that the Eurocoup has passed through, here we brought you a spectacular animation that shows of what its capable to do spain in hte eurocoup ;D
Spain Animation
A new chapter of the Pencimation that we assure will make you laugh. Have fun with the pranks that will be played to the chef, a not very patient guy.
Pencilmation 27
This is a fun animation where you can see how a couple of foxes try to get the fish that stole their big bird. The bird flies, so it take advantage of them and they will have a hard time.
Bigger Fish To Fly
Calico will have to help his nephew to become a superhero. Will he be able to do it?
Electronic Calico How to be like Calico
The popular Animator vs Animation return. An animated stick man attacks his creator inside the Flash IDE and the animator has to fight back. This time, the fighting goes beyond the Flash program itself as it is partially destroyed due to the fight.
Animator Animation 2
A new and bloody animation from the Madness saga, this time you can fight with every kind of weapon known and original attack techniques.
Xionic Madness 3
A musical animation that is worth a high volume. Even though the song is not the best you can spend a great time watching the crazyness of a manwhore.
Quest Of The Manwhore
Pencilmation 36 Rabbitersweet Goodbye
¿Do you remember the stickers that come out with the bollicaos that the tabas they say? Well now you have it in flash :)
How am I
Excellent animaton of this three freaks of tv, sometime you imaginate all togheters? well here you can see an excellent animation :D
The laughy his brother in law and Tamara
This great animation tells multile jokes that the cartoonist is making to his character. You can't miss it.
Pencilmation 6
Dc justice league comic creator