Cooking fast 3 ribs and pancakes
Sara cooking class sweet bunny bread
Follow the steps to make a delicious frosted chocolate chips cheesecake. Melt the butter, mix the eggs and the flour and much more! Use your mouse.
Frosted Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
Burger diner
Prepare delicious cakes just as the ones from the superior right side. Make click over the molding machine and then in the mold machine to make square, round or triangular cakes. After that press on the machine that cover the cakes with cream or fruits marmalade. For the last make click on the last machine to finish with the cherry or rose on the cake.
Cake making line
Grate Cut Slice
Attend all the patients from your ice cream store and serve them before they run out of patience. Use the mouse to combine the paper cone, ice cream and the final cookie.
Ice cream parlour
The grandma is a great cooker and is here to teach you. Learn how to prepare a delicious cheese cake, follow their instructions and pay attention to the ingredients from the chalkboard. Use the mouse to play.
Cheese Cake
Help Lily make a delicious pizza. You have to follow the directions, cut the ingredients and make the dough before the time's up. Use your mouse.
LilyIs A Pizza Maker
FNF Pizzeria
Cake lover
Pie Realife Cooking