SuperBarbie Unique Makeup
Insta Girls Spa Day
Now and Then Ariel Sweet Sixteen
Help this nice grandmother to find the necessary ingredients to prepare a delicious Greek salad. Use the mouse to search the closets and the fridge.
Greek Salad
Insta Girls Design my Roller Skates
Vintage beauty makeup
Paint and color this picture of Justin Bieber and girlfriend Selene, today's couple. Use your mouse to make them look amazing.
Color Selena And Bieber
Playground girl dressup
Help Baby Hazel to prepare their pets for the big party of tomorow where their friends will be. Use your mouse to interact with the baby.
Baby Hazel Pet Party
This girl does anything but study at school, and today you're gonna help her be a bad bad student. Do your nails, shave your legs, kiss your boyfriend, do whatever you want but don't let the teacher see you. If she's close, close the hobbies window or you'll be expelled. Use your mouse.
The Bad Student
Have fun with Barbie's little daughter and help her designing a cute pinata for her birthday party. Choose the design you most like, cut and stick pieces of paper on the marked places and make that the baby Barbie be happy.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use your Mouse.
Baby Barbie Pinata Designer
Find Zoey before the ghost. The rose and green arrow keys show you the Zoey location and the ghost. Reload the game if you wanna play again.
Zoey 101 and the Pca curse