Leave the guest of this weeding without words by choosing the dress of the bride, leaving her spectacular...
Editors Pick Bridesmaid
Barbie Selfie Accident
Select the colour and shape of hair of the protagonists and the clothes, by clicking with the left button of the mouse on the icons that are in the right of the screen...
Rock Band Fun
Mermaid wedding makeover
Have fun dressing up this girl for Easter egg hunt. Do her hair, pick her outfit and make her look amazing. USe your mouse.
Easter Egg Hunt
Dress and make up this cheerleader, choosing, for example, the colour of the clothes, the colour and shape of the pom-poms, etc... Make selections with the mouse, pressing the left button of it.
Makeover Studio Geek To Cheerleader
Sarah Slacking and her boyfriend are watching a film at the movie theater but the naughty girl is boring. Help her to overcome the challenges without being seen by her boyfriend. She can give him kisses to have more time. INSTRUCTIONS: Use your mouse.
Cinema Slacking 2
This is a super realistic hairdresser gama! You can cut the hair, dye, straighten and curl Barbie's hair the way you like. Use your mouse.
Barbie Real Haircuts
After a stress day, maybe you would like to go to the spa to take care of yourself with beauty and relaxing treatments. Have fun with this logic game and imagine that you are the protagonist.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use your Mouse.
Beauty Parlor Spa Salon
Sarah has gone to fish with her father on the Father's Day but it's to many hours that they don't catch anything and she's bored. Help to have fun solvind the challenges on the right without being seen for her dad.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use your Mouse.
Fathers Day Slacking 2015
Now and Then Ariel Sweet Sixteen
Zoe is a fat girl who dreams loosing weight and today is her first day at gym. Help her to achieve her goal. Use space bar and arrow keys to work hard.
Zoe at Gym