Delicious oxtail soup
Super Sugar Cookies
Know the secret of italian food with Mia and make some delicious Spaghetti Bolognesa. Use your mouse.
Mia Cooking Spahetti Bolognesa
Grandma Recipe Nigiri Sushi
New Restaurant of Papa Louie is open! In this occasion, the famous chef has opened a burger shop. Use your mouse to attend your costumers and win a lot of money.
Papas Burgeria
Learn to cook some funny cake lollipops on "Sara's Cooking Class" and train the recipe at home. Find the cookware and the ingredients in the kitchen before to start. INSTRUCTIONS: Use your mouse.
Saras Cooking Class Cake Lollipops
Learn how to cook some tasty patties on the "Sara's Cooking Class"and give a surprise for your next family dinner. Get the ingredients and follow the instructions. Use your mouse.
Saras Cooking Empanadas
Prepare a delicious dish with jello and spicy tomato. Use the mouse to select the ingredients and mix them up in the bowl.
Tangy tomato aspic
Decorate Barbie house to your pleasure. The kitchen, the room, the bathroom, the living room. Choose the furniture's and drag them to the rooms.
Barbie House
Cook a delicious burger. Follow the instructions to avoid any mistakes. Make click in the correct objects to cook.
Tessas Hamburguer
Prepare delicious baked chicken following the instructions of "Sara's Cooking Class" and surprise your guests on your next meeting. FInd the objects required to start the game. Use your mouse.
Saras Cooking Baked Chicken
A cooking game where you'll learn how to cook a delicious black beans salad, a different and exotic dish. Follow the directions using your mouse.
Black Bean And Corn Salad