Don't miss this cool animation, a little comedy about building a temple for a pharaon with a funny ending, and a lesson for the angry king.
Ancient Egypt
This half stick half TV character is a supervillain. He's very bad. Don't miss his adventures.
Supervillain 3
This is a fun animation with a great song dedicated to moustaches, a very masculine element that's not very seen nowadays. According to this song, though, women love moustaches!
Spend a nice time with this animation and find out all the stuff that happens to the main character.
Mr Boomba Episode 9 Elevator
A great game about a man that decided to quit smoking, and sees two guys smoking in front of him. He's angry and wants to get revenge, making some weird stuff happen. Don't miss this!
Smoke Kills
Have fun with this great destruction game. Hit the buildings with the Bulldozer to destroy them. Use the mouse to move the arm from the machine.
World Cleanner
The popular Animator vs Animation return. An animated stick man attacks his creator inside the Flash IDE and the animator has to fight back. This time, the fighting goes beyond the Flash program itself as it is partially destroyed due to the fight.
Animator Animation 2
This great animation tells multile jokes that the cartoonist is making to his character. You can't miss it.
Pencilmation 6
A new animation of a bloody Stick battle. Don't miss how they try to destroy themselves hitting hard. Guess who'll win!
Don't miss the last Pencilmation adventure and laugh at Frankenstein's ideas, and other Halloween characters of course.
Pencilmation 29
Ask for your presents to the three wise man and not to Santa Claus.
Santa Claus
Don't miss the new Pencilmation story and enjoy this adventure, about a group of sperm trying to make a baby. Interesting, isn't it?
Pencilmation 26