Pixel Smash Duel
Fight against the other caveman tribe bosses. Use left and right arrow keys to punch. Block your adversary hits pressing the space bar.
Capital caveman
If you like strong sports, show than you'd be a good boxer and beat your oponents. Use left / right arrow keys to move and A,S,D to fight. Arrow keys to use special habilities.
Boxing World Cup
Fight with this magnificient and little restlers mades with differents symbols of the keyboard :)
Karate Bugs
This is a fighting game where you get to fight terrible beasts and monsters to save your kingdom. Use WASD to move and J,K,L to attack.
Fighter King 3
Boxing as a champion and beat all your opponents. Use the cursor to hit and cover.
Beast fighter
Move the mouse like if it was a swordto cut in pieces at the uglies enemies that get near. Dont kill any civilian or the game its gonna over.
Kill all the Orcs in this magnificent saber fight game. Use the arrow keys to move. Attack with S,D,Z and X. Press A to block the attacks and C to jump.
Alado fight
This is a fighting game where you have to punch a gang of bad guys to protect yourself. Get the fruits for extra points. Use arrow keys to move and A,S,D to hit.
Fist Puncher
Excellent RPG game by shifts. Buy spells and magic potions with the money earned. Use the mouse to choose your option from the attack menu.
Epic Battle Fantasy
In this amazing game of lights and shadows you will be submerged in a violent history. You will learn martial arts to be able to defeat all that come in your way.
Red Moon
Choose your fighter. Hit with A,S,Z,X. The fighters look like cartoons but the combat is very violent and bloody.
Crank deathmatch