Spring day out
Choose from many daydream's clothes and customize the Barbie look as you like. Use your mouse to beautify Barbie.
Princess at the Ball
Help the know actress Penelope Cruz to look bright and glamorous for the big premiere tonight. Use the mouse to select the makeup and the rest of the accessories.
Penelope Cruz
You need to order and cleanliness in your fridge. Find the right place for each food and put the waste in the dustbin. Earn points for every action well done. Use the mouse.
Clean Up My fridge
Help Noelia to have a wonderful day at the beach. Make click in the buried objects to choose a bathing suit or a bikini and protect her from the sun light with a nice hat.
Noelia at the beach
Once you have cleaned and prepared the hair of this girl, leave it spectacular in the next phase, making the look that you most like... Play with the mouse.
Princess Half Up Hairstyles
Inspire on the hottest summer and wear nice accessories and bikinis to look amazing. Use your mouse.
Beach Fashion
Princess Careers Hashtag Challenge
Your mision is to make Beliebers happy. Throw bunches of Justin Bieber wax dolls and make them go crazy. Get lots of points and use your mouse ot play.
Bieber Girl Attack
Select with the mouse the clothes that the father and the daughter take in this adorable scene, learning to ride a bike...
Father and Daughter Ride Bike
Kiss your friend Robin in school when no-one is looking. Hold down the left-hand button of the mouse to kiss each other and release it to move apart.
School kissing
The third part of this game, with all the Hollywood stars. Fight against Justin Bieber and win! Move your mouse to hit and click to protect yourself.
The Brawl 3