Dress up and customize Jay in the way you like, making selections with the mouse and clicking on the left button of it...
Descendants Jay Dress Up Game
2016-07-04 - girls
Dress and make up this cheerleader, choosing, for example, the colour of the clothes, the colour and shape of the pom-poms, etc... Make selections with the mouse, pressing the left button of it.
Makeover Studio Geek To Cheerleader
2016-07-03 - girls
Help the Princess to leave her horse spectacular. Follow these directions to play, interacting with the mouse...
Princess Horse Caring
2016-06-30 - girls
Dress up and make up this girl in the way that you like, using the mouse to make selections...
Beauty Hollywood Cuts
2016-06-29 - girls
Customize the clothes that these couple will wear on the day of the wedding, by clicking with the mouse on the icons of each of the parties so that they are changing...
A Brides First Kiss
2016-06-28 - girls
Leave these girls spectacular for the party, preparing them through phases, depending on the door that you are going... Use the mouse to interact.
Makeover Studio Daytime to Party
2016-06-27 - girls
Make this nymph all the treatments that you will see, letting her spectacular... Use the mouse to interact.
Fairy Princess Hair Salon
2016-06-26 - girls
Decorate this cool car as you like, and you can select the details, for example, from the forms of the inside parts, to the stickers from the outside...
Design My Jeep
2016-06-25 - girls
Once you put the protagonist radiant, in the next phase, you have to put a dress and complements that leave without words the rest of the people from the party...
Princess Fashion Party Time
2016-06-24 - girls
Put this girl clothes and accessories that you most like, making selections with the mouse, preparing it to make it look radiant near the mansion...
Beautiful Apple White
2016-06-21 - girls
Select your own clothes that these guys will take on a romantic situation, customizing from the clothes to the shoes and the accessories. You can also put the background you want...
First Kiss
2016-06-20 - girls
Leave the girlfriend spectacular for that wedding, and you can select the makeup and clothes with details of Disney if you wish...
Disneyland Wedding Makeover
2016-06-19 - girls
Dress up and make up this girl according to your taste, making selections with the mouse. You can choose the colour and shape of hair, dress, makeup, etc...
Beauty Day Spa
2016-06-16 - girls
Choose the clothes that the girl will take in this romantic scene. You can also choose the footwear, hair, accessories and the clothes that you most like...
A Date on a Hill
2016-06-15 - girls
Elsa has so many problems with her boyfriend and she has decided to leave home. Help her interacting with the mouse. Pick up her things and throw them to the suitcase...
Elsa Leaving Jack Frost
2016-06-13 - girls
Dress up and make up this Canadian girl according to your taste, being able to choose from the colour of eyes, hair, clothes, footwear and accessories... Make selections with the mouse.
Canadian Girl Make Up
2016-06-11 - girls
Would you like to be a security agent? In this game you can imagine the look you will wear, being able to customize from footwear and clothes, to accessories...
Guarding the law
2016-06-10 - girls
Rapunzel has had a good hit with the bicycle and she needs your help to fix it and use it again! Interact with the mouse...
Girls Fix It Rapunzels Bicycle
2016-06-09 - girls
Clean and repair those police car, while you also order and clean around, without forgetting to inflate the wheels, wiped the polisher, etc... Interact with the mouse.
Clean Up Police Car
2016-06-08 - girls
Customize this romantic scene, being able to choose the colour of hair, clothes and shoes of the protagonists of the shape that you like... Make selections with your mouse.
Swing Date
2016-06-07 - girls
In this game you must do a surgery to the brain of Barbie, and you must follow step by step, so the surgery is a success... Use the mouse to interact.
Brain Surgery
2016-06-05 - girls
Rapunzel is very bad and she needs your help to make her a series of treatments that will make her seem so beauty... Follow the directions that you must carry out with the mouse, clicking on the left button of it.
Rapunzel Skin Doctor
2016-06-04 - girls
Leave the guest of this weeding without words by choosing the dress of the bride, leaving her spectacular...
Editors Pick Bridesmaid
2016-06-02 - girls
Prepare the protagonist for a fun day collecting mushrooms. Select from the clothes to the basket that you most like... Make selections with the mouse.
Mushroom Hunt
2016-06-01 - girls
Dress and make up the main character with the style and colours that you like. You can customize even the strands of hair... Make selections with the mouse.
Descendants Jordan Dress Up Game
2016-05-31 - girls
Choose the character that you want to prepare and put the accessories you want, making selections with the mouse...
Makeover Designer 2
2016-05-30 - girls
Make up and dress up this girl in the way that you like, making selections with the mouse, choosing from the colour of the eyes and the hair to the clothes and the accessories...
Steam unk Make Up
2016-05-29 - girls
This girl has invited her friends to a tea party, and she needs your help to be radiant... Help her to choose the dress and to decorate the table.
Alices Tea Party
2016-05-28 - girls
Decorate the classroom as you like, putting the furniture in the points that you like... Use the mouse to make selections, to move through the menu, and drag items.
Classroom Decoration
2016-05-26 - girls
Choose the clothes of these girls in the style of nymphs, by selecting the combination of colours, shoes and wings that will look according to your taste...
Modern Fairies
2016-05-25 - girls