Spin the roulette from left to right to get rid of the enemy with your laser. Destroy their weapons using arrow keys.
2005-05-26 - ability
Dr. Russ is working on radioactive weapons. Ben 10 takes action to stop him.
Ben 10 Toxic Hazard
2005-05-26 - Movie
Reache with your arrows of cupid the hearts of all the couples, of the boy and the girl :)
2005-05-25 - shooting
Move the picture cards of the Pharaohs to extract all the sarchofagi of the pyramid, every level will be more difficultly
2005-05-24 - strategy
Threw the disc the harder as you can wile avoid th the defenses,
Dangerous Hockey
2005-05-23 - sports
Test your reflexes and skills in this game of the whole life in which you have to prevent the goal of the rival.
2005-05-23 - classics
Simple and easy boat race game nice to spend time alone or accompanied
Boat Race
2005-05-22 - Racing
Shoot to all the characters of the starwars that pop up on the screen, point well!!
Galaxy War
2005-05-22 - shooting
Graphical adventure in that your mission will be found to a scientist that has experimented with her own body
The power of the science
2005-05-22 - adventures
Raise level to level at the hands of Indiana with the original sound track from the movie and everything
2005-05-21 - strategy
Already you have passed the first tests to be a policeman, continues with the progress and kill to everything the one that goes out for you ahead
Mad Academy
2005-05-21 - shooting
Spin the barr with the cursors and try of not to fall by the hole, the difficulty go rising!
The balls
2005-05-21 - ability
Cards game with little girls as cartoons, amazing manga, spend a cool time with the toons!
Manga Solitaire
2005-05-20 - cards
Great animation in that our friend Aznar and Arzalluz do what know best at the congress
Spanish Park
2005-05-19 - animations
Old game but it doesnt prevent that the vice consume us, eliminate to your enemies to rise all the level
Megaman Project
2005-05-19 - classics
¿Do you remember the stickers that come out with the bollicaos that the tabas they say? Well now you have it in flash :)
How am I
2005-05-18 - animations
Throw your spinning top against that of your friends not to allow them that they should dance it and fick the evening in the garden
The Top
2005-05-18 - shooting
With your snowplow machine you must remove the snow in order that they do not remain the aparked cars in the parking
2005-05-17 - strategy
Drive this mini car with your mouse with carefull of not get out from the highway and of that your adversary does not advance you
Mini cars
2005-05-17 - cars
Another classic, this time the mytical Bubble Bobble, in that you will have to catch to your enemies with bubbles
Bubble Bobble
2005-05-17 - classics
You're a zombie killing machine and you can't let them get away. Get coins and bills to get upgrades and better skills. Use arrows to move, WASD to attack, space bar to select and X to skip the tutorial.
Zombie Payback
2005-05-16 - bloody
Eliminate to all the Buster that show up on the screen, remember to point well and quickly!!
2005-05-16 - shooting
You handle a astronaut and have to calculate the address and power to fall in a surface save.
2005-05-16 - ability
Original game in which one you will have to get rid of your enemies and also gladiators with your sword
Gladiator of glory
2005-05-16 - action
Of the best ability games, order the cards by numeric order and build the castle, the cards of high numbers and low
Tower blaster
2005-05-15 - ability
You have had a hard day in the work, it notices to you, unloaded it against this jackass and swell it punching him
Beat him
2005-05-15 - fight
With Infinities of combos and special atacks, choose you chick and put yourself to restle
Warrior Chicks
2005-05-14 - fight
Runover a circuit on your bike with care of not to hit against nothing, take speed!
Ride in Bike
2005-05-14 - bikes
You are a Dj and you are tired that the people ask you to put Bisbal, now you can ask for revenge...
Dj Angryone
2005-05-14 - shooting
Your hole family has become in green Zombies beat them now or die in the attempt
Zombie Family
2005-05-13 - bloody