New version of pacman in that you must prevent that the police seizes you while you speak by the cellphone
Drive Me
2005-04-30 - classics
Game of the famous one Hedgehog blue with certain similar to the tetris but with known faces from their worlds
Sonic tetris
2005-04-30 - classics
Do click on the repictures to lead the little square into the interior of the big square before that the time run over.
2005-04-29 - strategy
Handle this police dog and go shooting to the martian starships that get close to you
Killer Dog
2005-04-29 - Animal
Learn on how to play to ebach volley, you must receive the ballon, pass it to the mate and aslo score with it
Volley Beach
2005-04-29 - sports
Calculate with a lot of careful to score the ballon in the basket from any place, high difficulty
2005-04-29 - sports
You must become a good photographer and take photos to objects in movement for demonstrates your ability
2005-04-28 - ability
Choose level and team and put yourself to play to this curious soccer game agains girls as rivals
Sexy Soccer
2005-04-28 - Soccer
Play it as if you were at the bowling, mark the direction and the power to throw down all the pines
2005-04-27 - sports
Very speacial game for two, one player cannnot play, you must fill the gold castle to win
The Castle
2005-04-27 - fight
Leads to the sheeps all togheters into the stable thrgoughout different levels of difficulty
2005-04-27 - Animal
Very simillar at pacman where you have to eat all the ablls and if you grab the coffe it give you extra power
Koffie man
2005-04-26 - classics
Shot to the smiling faces that pop up with you paintball gun to get the highest punctuation!
2005-04-26 - shooting
Compete in a contest of triples as those of the NBA and try to score the maximum possible of baskets.
2005-04-26 - sports
Addictive starships game in ehich one you will have to avoid the enemy kamikazes if you dont want to die
2005-04-25 - starships
Board game very ressembling to the ladies in which it wins the one that has more crads from the same color over its board
2005-04-24 - board games
Choose in what terrain race and go ghatering objects at the same time that goes advancing to the other cars
Porche 2000
2005-04-24 - cars
¿Where it will be the magic cane of Goku? good animation type parody of Dragoon Ball totally in Spanish
Cane of Goku
2005-04-24 - Movie
Use the mouse to choose the dresses, shoes, complements and what you like most. Drag all the things to the young ballerina to dress her.
2005-04-23 - dress up
Take a trip by the desert with this piece of Audi and go gathering all the jewels that you find
Audi Quattro Challenge
2005-04-23 - cars
Version of the famous Cauldron that left years behind for the old Spectrum and that made us enjoy to all
Cauldron 2
2005-04-22 - classics
Shoot and destroy with your starship the starships of the enemiy aliens that are coming for you
Aliens Atack II
2005-04-22 - starships
Descend in canoe avoiding the trunks and ghatering all the fish that you can before arriving at the finish
2005-04-22 - sports
You are in the stands and you have a minute to obtain the max of points to obtain the prize that you want
Shoot to the aim
2005-04-21 - shooting
You have to go avoiding to all the doves that are flying by the sky while you catch up all the letters
In globe
2005-04-20 - ability
Point and shoot to all the crazy Furbies that seems that they have the rage, difficulty level: high
2005-04-20 - shooting
USe your tank to eliminate the enemies parachutes using the arrows as sight
2005-04-19 - shooting
You are a flie and you will have to avoid all the obstacles if you want to die of age and not beeong crashed by a kid
Flie Life
2005-04-19 - ability
Well that, if with this game you had it to practice your aim and shot to the pure style of Counter Strike :)
Camper Strike
2005-04-18 - shooting
Very active platform game very active, ghater all the candies in order to rise the level.
Very good music
2005-04-18 - platforms