Dr. Toy has a terrible infection in the nasal cavities and she urgently needs you to help her!! Use the mouse to interact and complete all steps.
Doctora Juguetes Nose Doctor
2016-08-27 - kids
Will you be able to find all the stars in these scenarios of the series Jake and the pirates? Aim with the magnifying glass, which moves with the mouse and click the left button to select them...
Jake y los Piratas Hidden Stars
2016-08-25 - kids
The Dr. Toy has a patient with the feet in a very bad condition, requiring your help to make the patient happy... Interact with the mouse, following the directions.
Doctora Juguetes Foot Doctor
2016-08-23 - kids
Paint Gaston and Ben of the serie of Ben and Hollys, according to your taste, being able to publish the result in social networks!! Use the mouse to interact, by clicking on the left button to select the colours and apply them...
Colorear a Gaston y Ben y Hollys
2016-08-21 - kids
Peppa Pig needs your help to clean the bath of the house, which is really dirty!! Follow all the indications that you will have to carry out with the mouse...
Peppa Pig Bathroom Cleaning
2016-08-19 - kids
Help the doctor of the toys to complete the entire cure for that doll, following the indications of the process that you must carry out with the mouse (by moving it and by clicking on the left button to drag the items to where they should go)...
La Doctora Juguetes
2016-08-12 - kids
This is a connect game with Jake and the pirates, where you have to match the tokens similarly, forming a trio... Play with the mouse, dragging while keeping the left button of the mouse pressed.
Jake y los piratas Treasure Crush
2016-08-10 - kids
Colour these characters of Ben and Hollys as you like, being necessary the mouse to play, by previously selecting the colour to use at the time of the table that is below the drawing...
Coloring Little Kingdom Ben y Hollys
2016-08-08 - kids
Will you manage to put Peppa Pig in a higher level than your friends? Do it by clicking on the left button of the mouse and moving her with it, making her to jump from cloud to cloud...
Peppa Pig Jumping
2016-08-06 - kids
Skye has finished his last adventure and he needs your help to be in good condition!! Interact with the mouse by following the directions...
Spa facial de la Patrulla Canina
2016-08-04 - kids
Select with the mouse the decoration and furniture for the clinic of the toys doctor, taking the opportunity to leave all as you like...
McStuffins Clinic
2016-07-31 - kids
Move with the arrows of the keyboard your Pokemon, and crush the opponents by pressing the spacebar. Collect the balls to get weapons, using them also by pressing the spacebar...
Pokemon Battle Arena
2016-07-30 - kids
Can you tell after all those movements where are Ben and Holly? We recommend that you don’t close your eyes... Click with the left button of the mouse the place where you think they are...
Ben and Holly Hidden Behind Gaston
2016-07-28 - kids
Peppa Pig needs that you put in practice your knowledge of dentist to help her, and you must follow the indications that you will receive to leave the teeth very clean... Use the mouse to play.
Peppa Pig Crazy Dentist
2016-07-26 - kids
Move Skye of the canine patrol with the mouse, collecting the models of bones that are shown in the right bottom of the screen. Avoid the bones that are not shone in the screen...
Skye de la Patrulla Canina
2016-07-25 - kids
Drive the car of Blaze, using the commands listed in the tutorial, getting ready for these exciting careers, in which you must avoid dangerous obstacles and you must get the red flags...
Blaze Dragon Island Race
2016-07-24 - kids
Help the friends of the toys doctor, giving them all care that they need. Interact with the mouse and make click in the point you want with the left button of it…
La Doctora Juguetes y sus amigos...
2016-07-23 - kids
Click on the left button of the mouse, in order to capture items that you will need to complete the operations, achieving the levels and going to the next...
Escuela de Jake y los piratas
2016-07-22 - kids
This is a return of this classic game of the patrol dog. You must move the bottom bar with the arrows of the keyboard, preventing it falls, and get objects in colours that are at the top...
Paw Patrol Bounce
2016-07-21 - kids
Paint Ben and Holly as you like, clicking on the left button of the mouse, and selecting the colour you want to use at that time...
Ben y Holly Coloring
2016-07-20 - kids
Decorate these delicious cakes with the characters of the canine patrol, choosing the area you want to change the decor or the colours with the buttons on the sides... Make selections with your mouse.
Paw Patrol Cake Decoration
2016-07-19 - kids
Lead with the arrows of the keyboard the car of Peppa Pig, pressing before the spacebar to start the race, and following the indications of the arrows...
Peppa Car
2016-07-18 - kids
Find all the pairs of characters from the series Blaze and the Monster Machines!!! Once you are with the cursor on the image that you want to find out, click on the left button of the mouse...
Memory Blaze and the Monster Machines
2016-07-18 - kids
Once the dialogues are completed, move Ben and Hollys with the mouse, trying to get many strawberries as possible...
Ben y Hollys Strawberry Jump
2016-07-17 - kids
Peppa Pig needs your help to clean that mess in the kitchen!! Use the mouse to interact, dragging the elements until the place where they should be, without releasing the left button of the mouse...
Peppa Pig Clean
2016-07-17 - kids
Will you be able to find all the pairs in this game of the canine patrol? Use the mouse to discover the pictures, by clicking with the left button...
Paw Patrol Memory Test
2016-07-16 - kids
With Peppa Pig summer school you will not have time to get bored or miss your teachers!!!
Peppa Pig Summer School
2016-07-15 - kids
This naughty hen has taken the barite of Holly!! You must help him by jumping with the spacebar to not collide with the objects, trying to catch it...
Ben y Hollys Chicken Chase
2016-07-15 - kids
Colour the favourite characters according to your taste, selecting before the colour you want to use at that moment, by clicking on the left button of the mouse. Take the cursor to the area where you want to apply it...
Coloring Blaze and the Monster Machines
2016-07-14 - kids