Don't let any enemy alive, shooting them without mercy. We recommend that you choose the mouse to move the protagonist, making the special attack with the left button of it (spacebar if you choose the keyboard). If you use the keyboard, use the arrows to play...
Heroes In Super Action Adventure
2016-07-10 - shooting
Show your speed by typing with the keyboard to kill those aliens. Shoot them by pressing the keys displayed on the screen... Make the special attack with the spacebar.
Starship Rescue
2016-07-09 - shooting
Don't let these rats and mice to go inside the restaurant!! Point them with the mouse, shoot with the left button of it and change the weapon with A and D.
Pasta Heroes
2016-07-08 - shooting
Move with the arrows of the keyboard to your square, carrying the gun to get closer to the enemies and dodge their attacks, aiming at them with the mouse, and shooting them with the left button of it...
Top Down Shot
2016-07-04 - shooting
Kill those enemies by pressing the left button of the mouse, aiming at them before with great precision. Shoot to the zone, in which you want to kill them at the first time...
2016-06-30 - shooting
Move this submarine with the arrow keys and avoid colliding with the balls that come... You can shoot to destroy them with the space bar.
Sea Dragon
2016-06-26 - shooting
With the numbers 1 to 7 select the weapon you want to use to kill those zombies, aiming at them with the mouse and firing them when you press the left button of it...
Fend off the Zombies
2016-06-24 - shooting
Press enter to start playing and move around with W, A and D, pointing to the enemies with the mouse, and shooting by pressing the left button of the mouse...
Three Paths
2016-06-16 - shooting
Press ENTER to start playing and to be a sheriff, killing those thieves by pressing the letter S... At the same time, avoid the shots of them and move with the arrow keys.
Super Sheriff Save The Day
2016-06-15 - shooting
Addictive shooting game with the possibility of multiplayer in which you will have to put an end to these spiders and your opponents, finding weapons in the chests, and ammunition or lives to kill them... The commands are indicated before the game, and vary by 1 or 2 players.
Temple of boom
2016-06-10 - shooting
Throw George by aiming the mouse toward objects that you must shoot down to complete levels. The force will be based on how long you press the left button of the mouse…
Kamikaze George
2016-06-06 - shooting
Aim with the mouse and shoot with the left button of the mouse, making sure to accurate and aim good. Avoid that the person with the apple dies... YOU MUST EXPAND THE SCREEN WITH THE MAGNIFYING GLASS TO SEE THE GAME CORRECTLY.
Shoot The Apple
2016-06-01 - shooting
Help the body defence to prevent that infectious microorganisms go through the skin, releasing toxic substances by pressing X and Z... Move with the arrow keys.
2016-05-31 - shooting
Try to survive to this tense situation surrounded by enemies, aiming at them with the mouse and shooting by pressing the left button of it. Keep pressing the C to shoot continually. Recharge with R, select the weapon you want to use with the numbers from 1 to 5, see the inventory with the P, move with the letters W, A, S and D. Do the other functions with the Q, E and the spacebar.
Badass Builder 2
2016-05-29 - shooting
Avoid that these monsters go inside the fortress, defending and aiming at them with the mouse, and by shooting arrows with the left button of it... You select the power of the shoot according to the time that you keep pressing the button.
Hold the Fort
2016-05-21 - shooting
Once you have chosen the stage that you like for the adventure, be ready to crush those threats that do not hesitate to attack you. Move with the arrow keys, shoot by pressing the A and jump with S. WE RECOMMEND YOU TO PUT THE SCREEN BIGGER, MOVING THE BAR OF THE LOUPE UNDER IT...
Cathode Raybits 2
2016-05-21 - shooting
Select the setting that you want to play and get ready to go through those screens, where you will find all kinds of threats, which you must shoot or avoid... Move with the arrow keys, jump with the S and shoot with A. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU MAKE THE SCREEN BIGGER WITH THE TOOL THAT IS UNDER IT.
Cathode Raybits
2016-05-15 - shooting
Launch those birds against the structures to destroy them completely, aiming with the mouse and firing with the left button of it. Give more power by pressing more seconds... Zoom with the up and down arrows of the keyboard.
Birds Frenzy
2016-05-11 - shooting
Power the press by pressing the left button of the mouse to crush those boxes that pass below, taking into account that depending on the colour, they will do one or another movement and could deceive you...
Pipe Crush
2016-05-09 - shooting
Destroy the jewels with those cannons, getting the score requested in each level. You have a maximum number of shots... Aim with the mouse and hold the left button of it according to the power that you want to give.
Gem Pop
2016-05-07 - shooting
The teddy bear should kill the rest of the bugs that threat him. We recommend that you choose the mouse in the selection screen to play, making the special attack with the left button of the mouse...
Bear in Super Action Adventure 2
2016-05-04 - shooting
Will you be able to shoot with the needed precision and go through the levels? Shoot with the mouse and aim by clicking on the left button of it...
Green Arrow Lastman Standing
2016-05-02 - shooting
Complete the missions that our protagonist must face and kill the enemies with the gun! When you need help, the game will show you the commands that you must use (letters from the keyboard and mouse)...
X Ray Detective
2016-04-30 - shooting
Start playing by pressing the button of play, and kill those terrorists without mercy, by shooting them with the left button of the mouse. Move to aim them with the mouse... Change weapons with the numbers from 1 to 4, throw grenades with 5, and don't forget to buy upgrades with the money that you get. Collect the kits to get more life.
City Encounter
2016-04-27 - shooting
You select the colours that you like for the character and start the adventure, aiming and firing with the mouse (by clicking the left button of it). Move with the arrow keys and restart the level by pressing the R...
Bazooka Boy 3
2016-04-26 - shooting
Decide well the strategy that you are going to use, in order to kill those skeletons. Fire at the exact point... Aim with the mouse and shoot by clicking on the left button of it.
Van Helsing vs Sceletons 2
2016-04-25 - shooting
Will you survive to this dark and exciting adventure? Once you have a weapon, aim with the mouse and shoot clicking the left button of it... Walk with the arrows of the keyboard.
2016-04-19 - shooting
Select the weapons that you want to use to stop the rival army soldiers and to crush them, returning to your platform to aim and select the power you want to use... Play with the mouse, pressing the left button of it to shoot.
River Wars
2016-04-18 - shooting
Kill your enemies with the gun before they kill you. Advance to collect the objects and the ammunition that you will find... Jump with Z; shoot with X, throw grenades with the C and move with the arrow keys.
Frank Fission
2016-04-17 - shooting
Shoot using the logic in the exact points where you should and liberate the souls of those bottles... Play with the mouse. Shoot by pressing the left button of the mouse, seeing that you ammunition doesn’t finish.
Free Souls
2016-04-15 - shooting